
We are a range of services designed to protect computer systems, networks, and sensitive data from unauthorized access, theft, damage, or other security threats. Here is our top priority services for our valuable customers.

Cyber Crime Department

MakeMyPrivacy gives high priority to Cyber Crime Cases. Our Crime Department finds the criminal or suspects confidential information as much as possible. Then we will push the person to stop doing anything else, and immediately our experts provide Law Enforcement, FBI and IC3 information and guidelines to case a file against the criminal. You can hire us or book a free consultant for 30 minutes for further details.

Risk Assessment Department

Risk assessment in cybersecurity is the process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities to an organization’s information systems, networks, and data. MakeMyPrivacy ensures you are well aware of your security. Even if you are using any Cloud or VPS server and hosting your machine, web applications or data server, you can hire our Experts and Engineers to check those bugs, Vulnerabilities and ensure your risk probability.

Cybersecurity Solutions

A cybersecurity solution refers to a set of tools, processes, and technologies that are designed to protect information systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. The goal of a cybersecurity solution is to prevent or mitigate cyber attacks, and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and systems.

Digital Forensic Department

Our Experts investigate mobile devices and computers to find vulnerabilities and unauthorized access logs. Our engineers will fix and recover if you lose or erase data with our advanced data recovery models. Maintain Privacy is our main concern. We help you to protect your devices and data from hackers.

Hack Recovery Department

We have a Hack Recovery Department to recover your private or business social media. If you get lost access to your accounts, please feel free to book a free consultant with MakeMyPrivacy. We welcome you and listen to what is going on with you. Remember that the compromised account must belong to you. We don’t work for unauthorized users who don’t have proof of statement ownership.

Crypto Analyzer Department

If you lose your wallet or coins, we have crypto investigators who can analyze your coins and tokens. You can hire our verified Crypto Investigators, who will trace out your lost coin’s destination and exchange. We have professional cyber security engineers who are very experts in crypto analysis.

Our Expertise

01. Stop Blackmailer

Cyber bullying | Harassment | Pornography | Reputation Loss | Fake Information Spreading etc.

02. Digital Forensics

Android Forensics | iOS Forensics | Windows Forensics | MAC Forensics | Audio/Video Recovery | Router Forensics | Data Breach Recovery | Image Photo Recovery | Malware Removal | Virus Removal

03. Cyber Crime

Open Source Intelligence | Crime Investigation | Threat Investigation | Phishing Scams | Fraud Identification | Cyberextortion | Identity theft | Cyberbullying | Online Harassment | Cyber Stalking

04. Risk Assessment

Asset Identification | Threat Identification | Vulnerability Assessment | Penetration Testing | Blackbox, Whitebox, Greybox Testing | Risk Analysis | Risk Mitigation | Ongoing Monitoring

05. Hack Recovery

WhatsApp Hack Recovery | Snapchat Hack Recovery | Linkedin Hack Recovery | Social Media Compromised | Social Media Recovery

06. Crypto Scam Tracker

Bitcoin Analysis | Etherium Analysis | Litecoin Analysis | USDT Tether Analysis | Binance BNB Analysis | XRP Analysis | Cardano (ADA) Analysis | Solana (SOL) Analysis | NFT Analysis | Crypto Token Analysis

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