Enhance Your Cybersecurity with MakeMyPrivacy’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Services

Are you looking to fortify your cybersecurity program? Look no further! MakeMyPrivacy, a pioneer in the realm of threat intelligence services, is here to provide you with expert security consulting services that will bolster your cyber defenses.

Our approach is tailored to your organization’s specific needs, considering factors such as the vulnerabilities in your security infrastructure, your organizational history, and the threat actors with their sights set on your operations.

Comprehensive Cyber Threat Intelligence Services

Our suite of cyber threat intelligence services encompasses various critical components:

1. Threat Intelligence Feed Service

Stay ahead of the curve with our subscription-based threat intelligence feed service. We curate, analyze, and disseminate up-to-the-minute information on emerging and ongoing cyber threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and advanced persistent threats (APTs).

2. Persistent Threat Intelligence (PTI)

Delve deeper into threat intelligence with PTI, which provides insights into the characteristics, behaviors, and motivations of persistent threat actors. This goes beyond conventional threat intelligence, enabling a more profound understanding of the threat landscape.

3. Crimeware Intelligence Reporting

Collaboration is key to effective cybersecurity. Our Crimeware Intelligence Reporting facilitates the sharing of cybercriminal activities information with law enforcement and the wider community. This collective effort enables faster responses to cyberattacks and helps organizations strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

4. Threat Hunting

Unearth hidden threats through our proactive threat hunting methodology. We focus on identifying potential threats by scouring for signs of malicious activity, including anomalies in network traffic and unusual access patterns to sensitive data.

5. Digital Footprint Intelligence

Assess your organization’s digital footprint on the web to gauge potential compromise risks. We analyze digital footprints against predefined standards to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks.

6. Threat Infrastructure Tracking

Keep a vigilant eye on your digital assets with our threat infrastructure tracking services. This practice helps detect anomalies, identify vulnerabilities, and prevent future cyberattacks, ensuring your organization stays one step ahead of potential threats.

Our Approach to Risk Mitigation

  • Threat Assessment: We identify and assess potential threats to your cyber security system.
  • Damage Estimation: We analyze threats, determine motives, quantify potential costs, and provide insights into the potential damage to your system.
  • System Protection: We take proactive measures to safeguard your cyber ecosystem, including CRM systems, websites, accounts, and networks.
  • Security Consultation: Our experts offer tailored guidance and recommendations for enhancing your cybersecurity defenses.
  • Criminal Tracing: Our intelligence team investigates cybercriminal attempts to harm your system and identifies the culprits.
  • Legal Support: We collaborate with law enforcement agencies when necessary to take legal action against cybercriminals.

Our Areas of Expertise

  • Strategic Threat Intelligence: We conduct in-depth analysis of national and international socio-economic and political landscapes to predict future cyber challenges.
  • Tactical Threat Intelligence: Our experts analyze your cyber systems, identify vulnerabilities, resolve bugs, and integrate your entire cyber infrastructure for robust protection against cybercriminals.
  • Operational Threat Intelligence: We delve into the motives, techniques, and plans of threat actors, estimating potential financial losses for various attack scenarios.
  • Cybersecurity Consultation: Our team not only provides intelligence services but also offers valuable consultation for your IT team.

Why Choose MakeMyPrivacy?

Wireless technologies do not have the physical restrictions used in conventional wired environments. They make it possible for someone in the lobby, the parking lot, or across the street to have access to a network carrying sensitive financial or corporate data, personal or customer information, competitive data, or trade secrets. Our assessment will help you to identify insecure wireless implementation that puts your organization at risk.

  • INDEPENDENT: Most cyber security consultants will try to sell you technology or services through companies or contractors they work with. At MakeMyPrivacy, we work independently, and we can guarantee that our best interest is your security, and only your security.
  • RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Security is a broad subject with many areas of expertise, and we come with an excellent track record and 15 years of experience and certifications in various types of projects and disciplines.
  • WE CAN LEARN AND ADAPT: Every customer has different priorities, operational needs, and threat concerns. Ordinary security solutions don’t work effectively for every kind of customer. We learn, adapt, and come up with creative customized solutions that fit your unique environment and culture.
  • WE KNOW YOUR ADVERSARIES: We have an in-depth idea of how cybercriminals operate. This knowledge informs every recommendation we make and ensures that the security countermeasures are effective.


Seek assistance for online blackmail from MakeMyPrivacy.

Take immediate action and report any incidents of blackmail today. Our dedicated online blackmail helpline is here to support you and provide rescue from all types of online blackmail. Rest assured, we will work diligently to remove any explicit images and videos from the internet, ensuring your privacy and safety.

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