Defence Cyber Bullying, Harassment or Blackmailing

Have you ever experienced internet bullying or scams? Your reputation may be at risk. You must report the occurrence to the local authorities and obtain a police record or case number if you become a victim of cybercrime. A comprehensive investigation of cybercrime could prevent future harm to your digital assets.

Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself from cyberbullying, harassment, or blackmailing:

☞ Keep your personal information private: Be careful about what personal information you share online, especially on social media. This includes your full name, address, phone number, and email address.

☞ Use strong and unique passwords: Use strong and unique passwords for all of your online accounts, and consider using a password manager to help you keep track of them.

☞ Be careful what you share online: Think before you post anything online, especially if you are sharing sensitive information. Remember that once something is online, it can be difficult to remove.

☞ Use privacy settings: Make use of the privacy settings on social media and other online platforms to control who can see your posts and personal information.

☞ Don’t accept friend requests from strangers: Only accept friend requests from people you know and trust in the real world.

☞ Don’t respond to cyberbullies: If you are being cyberbullied, do not respond to the person. This may only encourage them to continue their behavior. Instead, try to ignore them and block them if possible.

☞ Report the behavior: If you are being harassed or threatened online, report the behavior to the platform where it is occurring. You can also consider seeking help from a trusted adult or contacting law enforcement if you feel threatened.

To conduct such crimes, all an attacker needs is a computer and access to the internet. The most well-known methods for cybercrime are modern telecommunications networks and mobile phones with Bluetooth, SMS, and MMS.

These incidents inherently result in loss to the sufferer, either directly or indirectly, whether it be emotional or bodily. Additionally, hacking-related issues, including cyberbullying, invoice fraud, email scams, social media fraud, privacy invasion, phishing, and cyber harassment, can cause serious harm like financial depletion, defamation, and other issues.


Tweens and teens are often the victims of cyberbullying. However, any adult can encounter public humiliation called “cyber harassment.” Cyber harassment, for instance, is when a kid harasses an adult.

  • spreads lie about or posts embarrassing content on social media about you
  • Sends mean messages to others impersonating as you
  • You might think of yourself as a victim of online harassment

Cyberstalking might appear to be innocent encounters, contrary to cyberbullying and harassment. In Asian nations, sending offensive messages is prevalent, especially for girls. It frequently occurs to celebrities, who often receive unfavourable comments on their Facebook posts. Some people aren’t bothered by this at first, but when it becomes routine and life-threatening, they start to feel harassed and want to take action.

▨ Some individuals can get emails claiming video proof of the victim’s private moments obtained by hacking their webcam. The cyber criminal’s demand that the ransom is paid in bitcoin is a prime example of cyber blackmail.


Hackers use phishing to deceive victims into divulging sensitive data like passwords, email addresses, or phone numbers. They pretend to be a reliable party the user won’t think twice about before committing. The anti-phishing working groups claim that there are nearly 100,000 attempts recorded each month globally. A statement in an email promised the receiver a significant cash gain in the infamous Nigerian Prince Scam. This scamming method is standard in Bangladesh and other third-world nations, where victims pay a small sum upfront in exchange for the chance to win a larger prize. The worst form of cybercrime, often known as cyber fraud, can financially devastate a victim.

Cyber scamming is nothing more than malware and phishing mixed with deft social engineering. Even coding knowledge is not required for these intruders. Just calm and well-organized.


Identity theft is the theft of someone’s credit card information to create a new identity, and it occurs when criminals commit various cybercrimes using others’ digital information.

✔ For example, credit card information can lead to massive bills, causing the individual to suffer an enormous loss. Second, they may use individual credit card data to create new identities for other cyber criminals. For example, a hacker may contact the issuing bank of a stolen credit card to change the mailing address on the account. The attacker may obtain a passport or driver’s license with his photo under the victim’s name. With a driver’s license, he can quickly get a new Social Security card, open a new bank account, and apply for loans. When the debt becomes too large, the victim is summoned by the bank, and only then is the identity theft discovered.

✔ Cyber defamation is becoming more common these days—intentionally insulting or offending someone online costs a life. Consider the Gurugram suicide case in India, where a 12th-grade student committed suicide out of shame and social humiliation. A girl stated in her Instagram story that she was raped by a boy two years ago. She didn’t have any proof, though. Even then, it became so popular that people supported the girl while condemning the boy. Sharing and retweeting are so simple that most don’t consider the profound implications.


Hack incidents involve financial account or asset hacking and device or application infiltration, which necessitate a much more thorough internal investigation.

Apart from Windows, Android is the most vulnerable operating system. Macs and Linux are also hackable.

Hackers take advantage of it by gaining access to a system or network, and you experience various problems with your operating system. Some symptoms include the battery frequently dying, the system lagging, and unwanted applications running in the background. Because the security system is insufficient, social media accounts are easy targets for an intruder. If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked or compromised, you will need the assistance of a cybercrime division. Finally, bank accounts are hacked directly or through online payment systems like PayPal. To recover your accounts, our cyber investigators will conduct a digital investigation. Aside from that, we can see if the police are looking into you.

We help to analyse, captured, defence and protect people and company from Cyber Crime and Hacking.

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Online harassment can happen through text messages.

Let’s say a victim’s name was Emma. She was being followed by someone she couldn’t get rid of. Being a school teacher is a difficult job. That brought the seemingly unavoidable annoyance of a persistent stalker. He was so tenacious that he didn’t see any flaws in his actions.

Emma was getting ready for a long day at school one morning. There is always something she overlooks or forgets. Nonetheless, she remained alert, directing all of her attention to ensuring that her students got the most out of her. The commotion hit her like a jolt in the stomach at that precise moment.

It came in the form of a text message. It said something to the effect of I know what you did yesterday evening…

Victims of online harassment may experience depression. Nobody should be aware of this. A schoolteacher’s life is hectic. There is less time available for personal matters than is necessary. Emma, on the other hand, took caution very seriously. It took the form of some innate secrecy. That’s much better, Emma. But she had no idea that the level of detail described in that text message would be seen by anyone.

A shock had occurred on an ordinary morning. The worst part is that it didn’t stop. It was as if the machine only responded at the worst possible time every time. She constantly received text messages, photos, and videos that scared the living daylights out of her. Emma went to the police station, trembling, and described how her private personal life had been shattered. Even after seeing the messages, still, photos, and videos, the officers at the precinct didn’t seem concerned. They might have assumed it was a prank or an estranged ex-boyfriend. The cops had more significant problems to deal with. This online bullying was not worth their time. Emma began to experience hallucinations. She suspected that some of her coworkers were involved. But she couldn’t do much without solid evidence to back up her suspicions. Her cries for help were met with even more severe forms of stalking. Messages and videos poured in, flooding the inbox. Calls from various numbers came in strange, startling voices.

Some came from her current state, while others came from the outside. The person who did this did their research. And then used it in the most heinous ways imaginable. There seemed to be no way out of this agony. Her family and relatives had requested that she leave the state. But she wasn’t the type to flee to avoid her problems. She went back to the cops. Police noticed the dark circles under her eyes and stuck to their previous decision to dismiss her pleas as insignificant. All she got were well wishes and empty promises. She turned to us with almost all doors closed in her face and continued online harassment from an unknown stalker.

❏ Solution of this types of Case

We listened to every bit of her story, saw the materials he sent to her, and got down to business. Our experts discovered all possible trials. We explored every avenue and gathered all the evidence there was to find. This case of online harassment started with text messages, so we carefully examined them for sources and patterns. The available data trail led to the discovery of the IP address that criminals used the most, which led to a permanent address. We got in touch with a lawyer specializing in online harassment and provided enough forensic evidence to bring the criminal to justice.

We help to analyse, captured, defence and protect people and company from Cyber Crime and Hacking.

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❏ Result of the Case

Our investigation resulted in the narrowing of the suspects. Within the bounds of the law, we sent several emails detailing what they were doing and what we would do if they didn’t stop now. That seemed to work like a charm. Emma breathed a sigh of relief after two long years of this online harassment.


When a crime occurs in a computer system, the technical complexities multiply exponentially. You require a computer crime investigator who can provide reliable evidence findings as well as a future threat prevention plan.

MakeMyPrivacy is a reputable cybercrime investigation firm specializing in cybersecurity and criminal investigation services. We collaborate with law enforcement agencies to investigate and research cybercrime forensics, providing efficient network monitoring, high-quality incident response, threat intelligence, risk assessments, risk analysis, and comprehensive review services.


  • Cyber Harassment
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Cyber Scamming
  • Privacy Invasion
  • Phishing Scams
  • Hack Incident
  • Identity Theft

We help to analyse, captured, defence and protect people and company from Cyber Crime and Hacking.

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